Saturday, May 1, 2010

Second Foods & Sippys

We successfully made it through all the first foods enough times that Ayson was actually eating all of them...even bananas and prunes...which he hates!  So, now we are on to second foods :)  

He has been eating second foods for about a week, and is somewhat enjoying all the new tastes.  So far we have tried garden veggies, roasted veggies with wheat pasta, apples with raspberries and pears with peaches.  He likes all the veggie combos and any fruit combo with apples.  We feed him solids twice a day still, once in the morning and once at night.  

Then after he eats, we give him his sippy and he feeds himself!  We can't believe how fast he has picked that up. 

He can even sit up and drink from his sippy when he really wants too...usually he is a bit lazy and would rather just lay down and drink :)

We also let him try a rice cake the other night.  These are designed to be baby's first introduction to solid food that they can actually hold and put into their mouths themselves.  They are a little messy because as soon as they get slobbery they turn into mush, but are great for letting babies try to feed themselves.  

He took a few bites then decided he wasn't to excited about it because they choked him up a little bit.  So, we'll try again in a few weeks to see if he's ready for them ;)

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