Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day 6

My awesome body decided to get crazy sick last night, so I have been out of commission for the past 24 hours :(  Here is the post I started yesterday and never got to finish...

Today has brought many changes for our little buddy...and they are all great changes :)

When I got there this morning, they were getting ready to switch him to a different bed that doesn't give him so much heat.  This is a welcome change because it means he is inching towards being able to maintain his body temperature without extra help from the bed.


So, all of this meant that I go t to hold him for the first time.  It was the most amazing feeling ever!!  Even though it was for a short while, it did my mama heart so good.  He was crying when they handed him to me, but he immediately calmed down and just stared at me the whole time.


Shortly after they switched him to the new bed, the Dr. came in and wanted to give him a shot at life without anything to aide in his breathing.  When I left, he had been off the Sipap machine for over an hour and was doing fantastic!  Look how sweet his little face looks with no tubes over his nose!

They also upped his feeds to 8mL every three hours.  They had backed him off to 3mL, but was tolerating it well, so we'll see how his little digestive system does with the increased amount of milk.


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