Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy Friday

Here's some cute videos of little man while we were snowed in.  The first two are of Ayson dancing.  He has evolved his dancing style from bouncing, to a more subdued swaying back and forth (thanks to Mickey Mouse for teaching him how to hula).  
We have to try and catch him when he's not looking because if he sees the camera, he immediately stops what he is doing...stink pot!  He is dancing to Yo Gabba Gabba.  Darn this weird show and its catchy songs...Aaron and I find our self singing songs from it all the time :) 

He also loves to dance while Aaron is playing Rock Band!

This next video is Ayson taking a few sips of my drink.  I was drinking Diet Code Red Mountain Dew, and he wouldn't leave me alone, so I let him have a sip :)  His face is too funny!

And finally, this Aysman being a big helper.  He loves to be involved in anything that is going on in the kitchen.  He saw Aaron putting some groceries away, and he wanted to help too.

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