Monday, January 24, 2011

New Things

There are a lot of fun, new things going on in little man's world lately.  Over about the past two weeks, he has had a comprehension explosion!  Now, when we ask him to, he will do quite a few complicated tasks, such as...

  • Go get his shoes and bring them to us
  • Put his shoes up where they belong
  • Pick out a book, then bring it to us to read to him
  • Put the dog bowls away when they are done eating
  • Help us pick up his toys
  • Throw his dirty diaper in the trash
  • When we say "Let's take a bath," RUN (he loves his baths) to the bathroom and wait by the tub

Now that he can do all of that, its especially frustrating when he doesn't listen...which happens to be a lot ;)  For instance, on this day, instead of waiting until Max was done eating to put his bowl away, he stole it while I wasn't looking; carried it to the hallway; put it up on a box so Sophie couldn't get to it; then began eating the food piece by piece.  CAUGHT!  On a side note...It's slightly annoying that we can't get him to eat normal food, yet dog food is alright...oh well :)

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