Tuesday, November 2, 2010


This past weekend, we went to Ark City for Arkalalah.  Now, for all you non-ark citians, Arkalalah (pronounced Ark-ah-la-la) is a fall festival held the last weekend in October each year.  There is something about a small town festival that is exciting.  Growing up, it was the carnival, and the greasy food and being in the parade...now that we are "adults" and have moved away, we look forward to coming back for Arkalalah to see old friends and to enjoy all the excitement through Ayson's eyes.

We took Ayson home for Arkalalah weekend last year, but he was quarantined at the house because he was just barely home from the NICU.  This year, we got to take him all around to enjoy the festivities and he even participated in the kiddie parade!  The kiddie parade, is for the kiddos ONLY!  They get to dress up in their Halloween costumes and walk down Summit (Main) Street in AC, in front of a pretty big crowd!  There are awards given for best costumes, etc.  

This year, little man was a Doctor for Halloween...pretty creative, huh ;)  But, we couldn't resist!  They had the cutest baby scrubs in the OSU bookstore, and we just had to have them!  So, we completed the look with one of Aaron's stethoscopes and a surgical cap made by Nana!  He looked so official!

Lil' Dr. Wilcox 

Hope, Kierslynn and Ayson at Memaws office before the parade.

We couldn't believe he actually left his hat on!  Once we were done with pictures, it was time for the parade.  But wait, we had one more addition to his costume...

Aaron and I spent the morning creating an ambulance for Ayson to push in the kiddie parade.  

We knew he wouldn't ride in a wagon, or want to be carried in the parade, so we came up with the idea to turn his walker in to an ambulance that he could push.

It was a great success!  He was passing people left and right during that parade.  He was a man on a mission :)

You really can't get an appreciation for how funny this was until you see it.  He had his head down and was pushing away.  Everyone was ohhhhing, ahhhing, and laughing along the parade route.

So, here it is...Ayson's debut in the kiddie parade.  (Sorry for the bumpy video, I was trying not not bump into any kiddos along the way.)  This went on for the length of the parade...he's a crazy man, I'm telling ya!  We look forward to many more Arkalalah's to come :)


Diane said...

OMG! This has got to be the cutest doctor and ambulance ever! Scott & I love this!! We ohhh and ahhh-ed over this all over again.

You three ROCK!

Alyssa said...

This is the most adorable thing I have ever seen!!!! What a great idea with the ambulance too! I'm sure little man stole the show :)

Pamela Farr said...

OMG - I laughed until I cried.

Anonymous said...

to cute but think he is ready for nascar! love Mindy