And for his newest bath trick...he has decided that it is super fun to splash as much water as possible, outside of the tub. Fun splashy time = more cleanup for momma, which = cleaner floors ;) It's a win-win...right?!
He has also decided that he wants to feed himself now. We are lucky if he lets us anywhere near him with a spoon. So, mealtime is now teaching us PATIENCE! He wouldn't eat anything I tried to feed him yesterday, so in a desperate attempt to get him to eat, I cooked up some chicken nuggets, peas and macaroni & cheese. SUCCESS! He loved it! So, now finger foods are an essential part of our sanity.
Tonite it was spinach artichoke dip...he couldn't get enough.
In addition to stacking blocks, he has also learned how to put the fishies in the penguins mouth! He got this cool little toy from his Aunt Alli and we have been working with him on "feeding the penguin." He's really trying to figure it out here.
Everytime you insert a fishie into its mouth, he counts! So cool :)
And his most exciting new skill...clapping! For whatever reason, this child has refused to clap. We have been working with him for MONTHS on this, but he just wasn't interested. All of the sudden yesterday, he started doing it...and he hasn't stopped since. A big round of applause for Aysman!
Ayson, you are TOO CUTE for words! Make sure you get momma good and wet during bath time too! Have a great time at Arkalalah sweet boy! I love love love you!
That bath pic is so cute! Asher always tries to eat the bubbles!
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