Kierslynn just had to sit next to Ays at dinner, so they did a pretty good job entertaining each other.
And once Ayson discovered that people would look at him and laugh while he yelled, there was no stopping him. If only you could hear the sound that goes along with this face :)
Three generations picture. Happy 50th Birthday Mimi.
We got up bright and early Saturday (and by early I mean 5:45 am), to go watch Aaron run in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. This was our first time to participate in this particular race, and I think it is something we will continue to do every year. What an experience! I'm not sure if I was just having an emotional morning or what, but every time we passed a woman wearing a pink "survivor" shirt, my eyes welled up with tears. It was simply an inspiring and uplifting experience!!!! How lucky we ALL are to have our health!!!
And Aaron's performance was inspiring as well :) His goal was to finish the 5k in under 20:00. And of course, he did. He was motoring!!!
His official time was 19:48. He finished 37th overall (out of over 2000) and 4th in his age group. Wow! Great job babe!
Then Saturday evening we took Ays-man to his first college football game to cheer on the TU Golden Hurricane. We were a little nervous about how this was going to go, since he has ants in his pants all the time! Luckily, we had a little room around us so he could move. Family shot :) Ayson could care less!
He took a little nap during the game. I'm still not sure how babies can sleep through cheering fans, and loud PA systems. I wish I could do that!!!
We almost made it to the end of the game. Ayson had had enough, so we left during the middle of the fourth quarter...but TU won the game. GO CANES! Thanks for inviting us Maria, we had a blast!
And today we are just recouping and taking it easy :) Or as easy as Sophie and Ayson will let us take it...haha!
What a fun weekend! Wow Aaron! Impressive time!! I will have to run it next year with you guys, sounds like a great race!! As always, Little Man is as adorable as ever...we need to get the kiddos together for a playdate!
I wish we had the inspiration to participate in a race, it would do us a lot of good. I strongly believe they would have to call a 'cardiac arrest' code on me 1/4 of the way in. Strong work Aaron!
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