Thursday, August 12, 2010

1 Year Check-up

Ayson had his 1 year checkup this morning.  Everything is going super!!!  Dr. Gordon said she has had great reports from the Neonatal Clinic on his progress, and that he is a "shining example of a NICU success story!"  He did get three shots at this visit, which he was not too happy about, but other than that, it was a pretty uneventful visit...which is always a GOOD thing!

Here are the stats:
Weight: 18lbs 
(he's still a skinny booger...<3% non-adjusted)

Height: 30 in
(and tall too...57% non-adjusted)

Head Circumference: 46 1/4 cm 
(got a big ole' melon...46% non-adjusted)

***On a side note...its exciting to finally be on the non-preemie scale in some areas!  When he was born, he wasn't even registering on the preemie scale.    

Even though we need to try and get some more weight on him, Dr. Gordon said it is nothing to worry about.  He is still gaining weight (up over 1.5lbs from his 9 month visit) and is such an active kiddo, that putting weight on him is going to be very difficult.  So for now, we are sticking with Neosure Formula for a couple more months as it is higher in calories than cows milk, and we are adding butter and cheese and anything else calorie dense to his solid foods.  Wouldn't it be nice to be on that kind of diet!!!!


1 comment:

Diane said...

Good job Ayson! Proud of you buddy.